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The Personal Web Pages of Chris X. Edwards

Simplified TK Reference



Description: The canvas widget is the most complex and the most versatile. Basically, it is used to do things with graphics. With the canvas widget it is even possible to make other widgets, but this is not normally the point. The canvas widget is for making things like lines, arcs, filled areas, and other geometric objects. The canvas widget supports text, images, and other fancier things too.
bind .  {destroy .}

scrollbar .sbx -command {.c xview} -orient horizontal
scrollbar .sby -command {.c yview} -orient vertical

canvas .c -scrollregion {0 0 1000 1000} \
  -xscrollincrement 10 -yscrollincrement 10 \
  -xscrollcommand {.sbx set} -yscrollcommand {.sby set};

pack .sbx -expand 0 -fill x -side bottom
pack .sby -expand 0 -fill y -side right
pack  .c -expand 1 -fill both -side left

.c create oval {100 100 900 900} -fill tan -outline peru -width 30
Example: This program was designed to allow the user to play with most of the elements of the canvas widget. It is organized so that the user can put values on a stack and then execute various canvas widget subcommands based on those values. Some commands take or return to the stack, item numbers. These item numbers can be preceeded with a # to illustrate what they are. To find an item number of an object, click on it while holding the shift key. Item numbers are useful for editing commands such as move, reconfigure, scale, etc. The word "all" can be used as an item number and if you know what you're doing, tags can be used too. The properties menus establish the current status of the properties. Changing them has no immediate effect. After changing properties, the next item produced will have those properties. To change properties of an item, shift-select it to put its number on the stack and then do a reconfigure when the properties are the way you want them. Values for properties are read from the stack. For example, if you put "red" on the stack and then activate the normal fill menu item, then all subsequent objects will normal fill red. The move command takes an item number and then an offset vector. The scale command takes an item number, an origin vector, and then a vector representing the x and y scale factors. Coordinate location vectors should be entered to the stack as an x y set like this "-10.625 12.375" but without the quotes. The values for the properties are taken from the exact syntax required by the canvas widget. The man page will answer specific questions. Alt-q will quit the program.

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Chris X. Edwards ~ January 2004