Winter 1998 - San Diego to Cincinnati
Journals - 16 February 1998
Day 19
16 February 1998 (Tuba City RV park; mileage = 51.3) -- A - We hauled our
stuff in trips down to the dirt road that had tire tracks in it yesterday.
They were mostly gone today, but we were able to load the bikes there and
drag them the rest of the way. The road was deserted and rideable! We
stopped at a scenic view in the Navajo lands and found out the "Canyon" was
closed. I slowly noticed that there wasn't any snow down that far. Oh well,
it was fun being in the snow. Once we got to Cameron, where Chris did voice
mail, we had lunch in the cafe and we got a few cents' worth of gas. Onward
into the wind to Tuba City. We saw some really fine scenery today. The
Little Colorado Gorge was great, and then at the intersection to 160, there
were some really neat cliffs or mesas or something with layers of color and
neat formations. We're at a hotel's RV park and we get nice restrooms,
showers, laundry, coffee, cocoa, and a AAA discount. The neighborhood's
not that great, but it sure feels good to be clean! Now, to fix the leaky
spigot next to the tent.