The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Journals - 12 October 1997

12 October 1997 (not bad; mileage = 121.2; park NE of Oakdale) -- X - I was up at 7:15 and packed and ready at 8:00. I also ate 2 Brown Cow yogurts. I said good-bye to Seth who was the only one up and took off. My ride in Silicon Valley was uneventful and then I hit Mt. Hamilton. Wow! I had awesome views of Silicon Valley. When I started out, there was a guy on a road bike who struggled to catch me and then to pass. I chatted with him a bit. When I was stopping for a break, I saw a deer very close for quite a while. I also saw a HUGE spider. The ride was just like the Hearst Mansion ascent times about 5. The total climb was about 20 miles with very little down hill. The total elevation was 1,200 M. I had lunch at the top and it was really cold up there. I put on my sweatshirt, jacket and gaiters, etc. The way down wasn't so great. About 4 miles of descent, then about 30 miles of VERY gradual descent. I pulled out of the mountains and rode to Modesto. The sun was nearly down and I was hungry. I stopped at a Burger King. Afterward, it was fully dark. I've spent the last several hours riding, looking for a good spot to camp. I've had several prospects, but there is always a problem. There are lots of dogs. Also, the main road is REALLY busy. Where are they all going? It ruins my night vision. Also, a really bad thing is the stickers. I somehow thought there might be some here and I felt around with my hands. Yep! I've now found them in 2 places. I'm doing the journal and brushing teeth now, so that when (if!) I find a spot, I can just crash. -- Well, as luck would have it, at the end of the street was a really nice park. I couldn't find a very secluded spot, but I did my best up against the wall of a horseshoe pit.
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000