The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Summer 1997 - Yukon to California
Journals - 17 August 1997


Day 38

17 August 1997 (cloudy and cool; mileage = 30.7; Nadelos/King Range Campground [1.5 miles from Shelter Cove]) -- A - We were ready to leave well before the Grange breakfast was to be ready, so we ate a quickie breakfast and headed for the mountains! It was very reasonable getting to Honeydew (about 10 miles out of the way -- whew!). The climb out of there was promised by many to be challenging and it did take a very long time, but it wasn't any worse than some we've already climbed. We had up and down the rest of the way. It was too foggy to get a really impressive view, but we were both thankful for the lack of sun, so I guess that was a compromise we didn't mind. The road was mostly dirt and rock, but in pretty good shape most of the time. There were a couple places where mini-creeks crossed the road. I'm sure that fewer cars passed us in the entire day than would have in one minute on Highway 101. It was very nice riding due to that and the nice scenery. We stopped for lunch at a bizarre parking area in the middle of nowhere. Just a couple miles further was a campground we could have used. Oh well. We passed by Shelter Cove -- way down the hill -- and a mile after the turn onto our new main road there was this campground. We could have gone a little further, but Stinkyhole is next and it's a huge drop to the campground. So we had potatoes and quesadillas -- quite yummy. Now it's early to bed and early to rise. We should be able to get to Ft. Bragg tomorrow. X - the big climb was very big. We climbed up to nearly 700 meters. The main climb was like Indian Hill Road or Straight Street times 10 with lots of turns. We had 1 nasty (~300 meters) descent that we had to rest on to cool the rims. It was impossibly steep and dangerous to go fast. With no spare tube, this was very worrisome. Also, going fast down very rough surfaces can easily cause unpatchable flats. The 2nd half of our ride was filled with 100 meters up, 100 meters down. All very steep.
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Chris X. Edwards ~ October 2000