The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Journals - 18 June 1992



Up. Packed up slimy stuff & ate little breakfast (cookies). Rode out. Lots of fog. Rolling Terrain. Stopped at Ft. Ross. Looked at Fort. Got H2O. Next was Russian Gulch. Big long (not steep) climbs. Saw cows. Saw seals near Jenner. Came inland on 116 & Bohemian Highway to Robert's house. Did laundry, set everything out to dry (tent, etc). Had spagetti for lunch. Organized everything. Rested. Visited with Rob & Co. Had enchiladas for dinner. (34.84)


Today we decided to take a day off and ride to Chris's Uncles (Robert), which was in Camp Meekor. They live in a very nice house hidden deep in the woods on the side of a hill. They treated us to lunch and dinner and let us spend the night. We also finally got caught up with all of our laundry. The total mileage we covered today was 34.84 miles and we are still 70 miles north of San Fransisco. Right now their dog is rolling around on this log book trying to get me to scratch her. Robert lives with a woman named Heidi who is from Switzerland. She has two children, Niomi and Daniel. Niomi just graduated from the eighth grade and Daniel just graduated from High School. Although the day set us behind a little, it was a much needed rest and a quite enjoyable stay.

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Chris X. Edwards ~ August 2000